The family lived in Battle Creek but I was too young to remember. I love the name Battle Creek, what a great name for a town. The place smells like cooked cereal most of the time though because of Kellogg's plants!
Michigan as all states have some great sports rivalries, those two troublemakers above, Michigan vs. State is a very intense one, the hate between those two is intense and it is a rivalry that takes a backseat to no other.Isn't that one thing about the U.S. which makes life interesting? Wolverines versus the Spartans, Western Michigan vs. Eastern Michigan, Michigan vs. Ohio State, etc.
I'm very glad that I did not grow up in Michigan, nothing against people from that great state but I can't understand how people can live in a climate that severe! Too cold for me, I'm a tropical person and have the need for lots of sun, hello Hawai'i. My mom says Michiganers are some of the nicest people around and didn't mind if we had continued living there, my dad was very much like me, can't stand the extreme cold and all the snow...thank goodness, praise God!
I'll write more on Michigan in due course, in the meantime some Michigan links:
Minor League Baseball:
Lansing Lugnuts
Michigan Battlecats - unofficial site
Western Michigan Whitecaps
Other Sports Teams:
Detroit Tigers
Detroit Pistons
Detroit Lions
Detroit Red Wings
Michigan State University - Located in East Lansing
Spartans Athletics
University of Michigan - Situated in Ann Arbor, one of the largest universities in all of America, in terms of student population.
Wolverines Athletics - Love those football helmets!
University of Michigan at Flint
Central Michigan University
Eastern Michigan University
Lake Superior State University
Michigan Technological University
Northern Michingan University
Saginaw Valley State University
Wayne State University
Western Michigan University
Other Linx:
Ann Arbor Michigan Real Estate and Properties -Provides assistance for real estate acquistion, home or property, in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Pinckney, Brighton and Howell.